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Boston Firsts is about everything (well, almost!) that happened first in Boston and changed life elsewhere: from the first lighthouse and public library to the first madam and ready-made suit. Boston-based journalist and essayist Lynda Morgenroth has written forty original essays on the city's long history of innovation, from the colonial era to the recent past. These lively takes on Boston's innovative history range from the first use of ether in publicly performed painless surgery to the first school desegregation court case to the one-and only-automatic bargain basement.Consider this: Ice cut from Boston ponds and shipped to hot climates became a worldwide industry. A controversial kidney transplant between twin brothers marked the start of organ transplantation. Attempts to breed a belligerent fighting dog created the sweet-natured Boston terrier, the first dog breed developed in the U.S. The glorious Massachusetts 54th Regiment, led by a Boston Brahmin, was the first black army regiment in U.S history. First newspaper, novel, subway, telephone, gay marriage- the beat goes on.Ranging from advances in science and engineering-like the smallpox inoculation and the Boston Harbor cleanup-to innovations in culture and society- Fannie Farmer's cookbook, the YMCA, and Boston cream pie-the collection investigates, celebrates, and integrates America's workshop of ideas. 24 Famous Boston Firsts Mental Floss Given that its located just 40 miles from Plymouth Rock that the city of Boston is the home to many American firsts is hardly surprising Beacon Press: Boston Firsts Boston Firsts is about everything (well almost!) that happened first in Boston and changed life elsewhere: from the first lighthouse and public library to the first Massachusetts State Facts - Massachusetts History Firsts Massachusetts State Facts - Massachusetts Firsts Catch up on your state trivia with these Massachusetts history firsts and interesting fun facts about the state Boston Massachusetts: Americas City of Firsts Boston Massachusetts: Americas City of Firsts K nown for its key role in the American Revolution and its excellent educa-tional institutions Boston is the Boston Firsts - Harvard Book Store Boston Firsts is about everything (well almost!) that happened first in Boston and changed life elsewhere: from the first lighthouse and public library to the first Boston Firsts - CelebrateBoston A list of Boston Firsts where culture and innovation abound Why Boston Signature Boston Why Boston Boston / Why Boston Wicked Good Reasons From award-winning facilities and event staff to dynamic culture and nightlife we cant think of a reason why Bostongov The official website of the City of Boston Stay informed request City services through 311 or contact the Mayor and City Council Boston Firsts: 40 Feats of Innovation and Invention that Boston Firsts is about everything (well almost!) that happened first in Boston and changed life elsewhere: from the first lighthouse and public library to the first Boston Guide Hotels Restaurants Meetings & Things to Let us help you plan your vacation or meeting and discover everything Boston MA has to offer From restaurants to things to do get the most from your trip!
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